Classification according to Oxford Advanced teacher’s Dictionary is the act of classifying or creating groups or classes.
To survey is to look carefully at something.
Classification survey in a rotary club refers to scrutinizing various professions, vocations in a club for purposes of enhancing service.
• Each member of rotary club is given a classification at the time of induction, normally relating to his work or profession.
• A classification describes either the principal business or the professional service of the organization that the Rotarian works for or the Rotarians own activity within that organization.
• Article 5 Section 2 of the Constitution of Rotary International (RI) replicated in club’s rotary constitutions provides “ the following qualifications for a person to be a member of a rotary club
• An adult of good character
• Involved in good business, a professional and/ or reputable community leader engaged as proprietor, partner, corporate officer, or manager of any worthy and recognized business or profession.
• Holding any important position in any worthy and recognized business or profession or any branch or agency with executive capacity and discretionary authority.
• Having retired from any position listed above.
• Being a community leader, who has demonstrated through personal involvement in community affairs a commitment to service and the object of rotary.
• Having the status of rotary foundation alumnus .
In addition to the above his/her place of business or residence located in the
locality of the club or the surrounding area.
To survey is to look carefully at something.
Classification survey in a rotary club refers to scrutinizing various professions, vocations in a club for purposes of enhancing service.
• Each member of rotary club is given a classification at the time of induction, normally relating to his work or profession.
• A classification describes either the principal business or the professional service of the organization that the Rotarian works for or the Rotarians own activity within that organization.
• Article 5 Section 2 of the Constitution of Rotary International (RI) replicated in club’s rotary constitutions provides “ the following qualifications for a person to be a member of a rotary club
• An adult of good character
• Involved in good business, a professional and/ or reputable community leader engaged as proprietor, partner, corporate officer, or manager of any worthy and recognized business or profession.
• Holding any important position in any worthy and recognized business or profession or any branch or agency with executive capacity and discretionary authority.
• Having retired from any position listed above.
• Being a community leader, who has demonstrated through personal involvement in community affairs a commitment to service and the object of rotary.
• Having the status of rotary foundation alumnus .
In addition to the above his/her place of business or residence located in the
locality of the club or the surrounding area.